aRTi-D™ Trace,360° Traceability
What is it and how it works?
A complete solution for tracking and tracing the origin of a product during its production and distribution.
▶ Data collection
Data collection can be done using RFID, NFC, QR Codes or BLE, GPS and/or Barcode technologies.
QR Code
Information Visualization
Full traceability in real time.
Productivity Trends and predictions.
Connecting the production data with the ERP sytem and vice versa.
Tracking of defective products.
Automatic paperless production status recording.
Real-time fleet management
Μanagement of inventory and the supply chain.
Root-Cause analysis of problems.
Historical Data.
▶ Increased equipment performance and productivity
▶ Reduction of operational production costs
▶ Reduction of equipment downtime
▶ Reduction of maintenance costs
▶ Increased asset availability
▶ Customer satisfaction and business reputation maintained
▶ Reduction in product recall costs and lost materials
▶ Product quality assurance
▶ Compliance with international regulations
▶ Payback in less than 12 months