


    The CyberCare solution will provide the healthcare industry with:

    • a Machine Learning-based threat analysis tool for Situational Awareness
    • a Coordinated Response and Recovery System that will enable early and effective detection and response to attacks on medical devices
    • a platform that will ensure data integrity and operator trust

    The objectives of the CyberCare platform are summarized as follows:

    • (a) Timely and effective awareness of the dangers and vulnerabilities of connected medical devices and the network.
    • (b) Multi-level response and recovery of data from each device and the entire system.
    • (c) Instantly notify stakeholders of impending cyber threats through a shared repository of relevant information.
    • (d) Addressing attacks observed between connected medical devices.

    The Cybercare project is implemented under the National Scope Action: "RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE B' CYCLE". It is co-funded by the European Union and national resources through the Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Programme (EPANEK).


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